<AuthenticateWithRedirectCallback />
The <AuthenticateWithRedirectCallback />
is used to complete a custom OAuth flow. Simply render the component under the route you passed as redirectUrl
to the authenticateWithRedirect
This example below uses built in Next.js pages, but you could use any routing library you want.
app.tsximport '@/styles/globals.css'; import { ClerkProvider, SignedIn, SignedOut, useSignIn } from '@clerk/nextjs'; import { AppProps } from 'next/app'; import { useRouter } from 'next/router'; const publicPages: Array<string> = []; const SignInOAuthButtons = () => { const { signIn, isLoaded } = useSignIn(); if (!isLoaded) { return null; } const signInWithGoogle = () => signIn.authenticateWithRedirect({ strategy: 'oauth_google', redirectUrl: '/sso-callback', redirectUrlComplete: '/' }); return <button onClick={signInWithGoogle}>Sign in with Google</button>; }; function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) { const { pathname } = useRouter(); const isPublicPage = publicPages.includes(pathname); return ( <ClerkProvider {...pageProps}> {isPublicPage ? ( <Component {...pageProps} /> ) : ( <> <SignedIn> <Component {...pageProps} /> </SignedIn> <SignedOut> <SignInOAuthButtons /> </SignedOut> </> )} </ClerkProvider> ); } export default MyApp;
Once you have implemented your sign in flow, you can implement the callback page.
/pages/sso-callback.tsximport { AuthenticateWithRedirectCallback } from '@clerk/nextjs'; export default function SSOCallBack() { return <AuthenticateWithRedirectCallback />; }
This example below is using the react-router-dom
library. You can use any routing library you want.
app.tsximport { ClerkProvider, AuthenticateWithRedirectCallback, SignedOut, useSignIn, SignedIn } from '@clerk/clerk-react'; import { Route, Routes } from 'react-router-dom'; function App() { return ( <ClerkProvider publishableKey="pk_test_••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••"> {/* Define a / route that displays the OAuth button */} <Routes> <Route path="/" element={<HomePages />} /> <Route path="/sso-callback" element={<AuthenticateWithRedirectCallback />} /> </Routes> </ClerkProvider> ); } function HomePages() { return ( <> <SignedOut> <SignInOAuthButtons /> </SignedOut> <SignedIn> <div>Hello! You are Signed In!</div> </SignedIn> </> ); } function SignInOAuthButtons() { const { signIn, isLoaded } = useSignIn(); if (!isLoaded) { return null; } const signInWithGoogle = () => signIn.authenticateWithRedirect({ strategy: 'oauth_google', redirectUrl: '/sso-callback', redirectUrlComplete: '/' }); return <button onClick={signInWithGoogle}>Sign in with Google</button>; } export default App;
Name | Type | Description |
afterSignInUrl | string | Full URL or path to navigate after successful sign in. |
afterSignUpUrl | string | Full URL or path to navigate after successful sign up. |
redirectUrl | string | Full URL or path to navigate after successful sign in or sign up. This is the same as setting afterSignInUrl and afterSignUpUrl to the same value. |
secondFactorUrl | string | Full URL or path to navigate during sign in, if 2FA is enabled. |
Last updated on November 21, 2023